Top 54+ Famous Savitribai Phule Dialogue in English 2025.


If you are searching for Savitribai Phule dialogue in English to get inspiration or share them on social media, you come to the right place; here we have written the best selective savitribai phule quotes for students. We hope you will find these dialogues helpful and informative. Please don’t forget to share them with your best friends.

Savitri Bai Phule, the tremendous Indian reformer who changed women’s lives by educating women, struggled throughout her life, and that struggle was only for social work, not for herself. He made a great sacrifice for women’s education and gave them their rights. He has a great personality.

Savitribai Phule Dialogue in English for Inspiration

Savitribai Phule dialogue in English

1. Even if you get a little bit of knowledge after reading my poem, I will understand that my efforts are worthwhile.

2. If children were born by worshiping stones, why would nature give birth to males and females?

3. They are all lazy people sitting under a tree waiting for the fruit to fall into their mouths.

4. It is the true religion of man to work all day tirelessly long, and it is his best friend.

5. The business adds happiness to our lives, so we should always be busy in our industry; it will help us get out of life’s troubles.

6. Some castes have not developed for thousands of years, believing that sin brings misery and good deeds bring happiness.

7. It is also a business to walk around shouting, ‘give me roti, but it is called a thoughtless business.

8. Time is the essence of their life. They do all the work on time and keep track of it.

9. People who believe in luck and fortune are lazy and beggars, and their country is always in slavery.

10. The hard-working man tries to make others happy by increasing his happiness, and the lazy man tries to make others sad by being sad.

11. Laziness is a symptom of poverty. It is the enemy of knowledge, wealth, and honor and the lazy person gets none of it.

12. If you are giving money to help others, it makes them lazy.

13. Our country belongs to Indians, but the real reason foreigners rule our country is ignorance.

14. Addiction causes loss of body and money.

15. Addiction is not a prestige enhancer but is harmful to reputation, so it should give up early.

Savitribai Phule essay in English 300 words

short introduction:  

Savitribai Phule was born on 3 January 1831 in Naigaon village of Satara district of Maharashtra state. Savitribai Phule was married at the age of nine to Jyoti Rao Phule. She was illiterate before marriage, but after her marriage to Jyotibarao Phule, Jyotiba Phule educated Savitri Bai Phule. After that, she started a school for girls at Bhidewada, Pune, on 1 January 1848.

Savitri Bai Phule was an inspiration to all the illiterate women of India at that time and is now worshipped as the goddess of education in our society. If Savitribai Phule had not been born, women would have remained enslaved people till today.

She changes society by educating women. He did a great job. Every word of Savitri Bai Phule is an inspiration for women. His words changed the lives of illiterate women. Every year the birthday of Savitri Bai Phule is celebrated with energy and enthusiasm.

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